【学术讲座】Departure of Compromised outside Directors: Is Director Social Capital a Liability or A Buffer after Corporate Misconducts?

创建时间:  2019年05月29日 00:00  费妮娅   浏览次数:   返回

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演讲题目Departure of Compromised outside Directors: Is Director Social Capital a Liability or A Buffer after Corporate Misconducts?
报告简介:This study examines the effect of director social capital on the loss of directorship held by outside directors in a host firm after their affiliated firms are penalized for misconducts, who are known as compromised directors. Drawing on the counter arguments rooted in expectancy violations theory and social capital theory regarding whether individual social capital is a liability or a buffer after a negative firm event, we propose an inverted U-shaped relationship between a compromised outside director’s social capital and departure from host firms. That is, when the director’s social capital exceeds a threshold, the buffering effect will dominate. Moreover, a host firm’s board social capital and external stakeholder attention, as demonstrated by media coverage, institutional ownership, and analyst coverage, moderate the inverted-U effect such that its turning point shifts right because these conditions increase the threshold of buffer. Using a sample of compromised outside directors who sat on the boards of public firms that were penalized due to their financial misconducts, we find evidence that largely support our predictions. Our findings provide insights on the equivocal argument of individual social capital after a negative firm event from different theoretical perspectives.
报告人简介:夏军,德克萨斯理工大学管理学博士,德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校Jindal商学院战略管理系副教授,研究兴趣主要集中于4个领域:(1)国际商务(国外市场拓展、国有产权和转轨/新兴国家的制度变迁);(2)组织理论(资源依赖、权力和制度过程);(3)公司战略(并购、合资、联盟和剥离);(4)社会网络(嵌入性的结果)。在Strategic Management Journal10篇)、Organizational Research MethodsManagement and Organization ReviewJournal of Small Business ManagementWorld Development等期刊上发表论文30多篇,是近两年在Strategic Management Journal上发表文章最多的华人学者之一。



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