【学术讲座】Behavior Finance and Stock Market Anomalies

创建时间:  2019年06月09日 00:00  费妮娅   浏览次数:   返回

主讲题目Behavior Finance and Stock Market Anomalies
主讲人:齐力博士,美国Agnes Scott大学,教授
报告简介:This lecture reviews the history of modern economic thoughts, introduces the traditional decision making model of expected utility theory, and presents the empirical challenges to the traditional standard model. It then elaborates the contributions made by psychology and cognitive science, which promoted the development of the alternative approach of behavioral economics in decision-making studies. The second half of the lecture explains how to use behavioral finance (a subfield in behavioral economics) to understand stock market anomalies, including the equity premium puzzle, bubbles, and excess volatility.
报告人简介:齐力,2004年获得美国匹兹堡大学经济学博士学位,美国Agnes Scott大学经济与商业系教授、系主任,2018-2019年美国Fulbright访问学者、国家外专(2018-2023年),曾任留美中国经济学会主席(2017-2018年)。

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